When it comes to making purchases, timing is everything. When buying tickets for a concert or seat at a sporting event, consumers often look for deals on days other than performance day. The same goes for furniture shopping.
If you’re looking to buy new sofas, chairs, and tables — or need replacements from water damage caused by the past Hurricane Florence. Consider purchasing your home furniture during the below times of the year when you can find quality pieces at significant savings.
Indoor Furniture
A typical new furniture buying cycle occurs twice a year in the spring and fall. Unfortunately, you will hardly save a buck as the furniture prices are high during these seasons. However, buying furniture in winter or summer may save you some money if you’re on a budget. However, you may find that you’re out of luck in finding the styles and colors you want.
Outdoor Furniture
Honestly, no furniture dealer wants to be pushing such items in fall or winter when there is the least demand. Most stores want to clear stock by early or mid-summer. This means prices will start going down immediately after midsummer. So, you can find quality sofas, seats, and tables for your outdoor décor and enjoy the warmth in the fall and future warm seasons.
Used Furniture
Most people relocate at mid, end, or start of a new year. Furthermore, most people have annual or semi-annual goals, including disposing of used furniture and buying new ones. Therefore, you can get the best deals on used furniture in mid or end-year when people upgrade or relocate.
Take Advantage Of Discounts & Bonuses
Furniture stores are constantly giving discounts on various items. For example, you will get enticing deals on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, national holidays, and amazon prime day.
Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Medical Furniture and Design Needs
Are you ready to redesign your office to maximize productivity and creative thinking? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. We have our headquarters in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, and another convenient office location in St. Louis, Missouri. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For the St. Louis office, please call 314-797-5077. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.