
Comfortable and Accessible Healthcare Furniture in Maryland Heights, MO

Edwards & Hill Healthcare Furniture Maryland Heights MO

At Edwards & Hill, we offer the best in quality healthcare furniture as well as healthcare equipment and supplies for your facility in Maryland Heights, MO.

Whether you’re looking to update a healthcare facility that’s been around for a while or you’re starting a new clinic, Edwards & Hill is the best place to shop for healthcare furniture that is comfortable, durable, appealing, and accessible to everyone. Get started by coming in for a one-on-one personal consultation with one of our experienced sales professionals, who will help you find exactly what you’re looking for based on your budget, layout, and preferences. Once you’ve made your selections, we will send our full-time installation team to get everything set up for you. That’s right—we do not bring in third-party contractors to finish our job for us. Our installation team is held accountable for their work, so you can rest assured that your business will be treated with the utmost respect and care. We also offer other services, such as signage, wayfinding, art installation, sound masking, and interior design.

Hospitals & Healthcare Clinics

  • Accessible: Accessibility is an absolute necessity when it comes to healthcare furniture. No matter what kind of healthcare facility it is, furniture needs to be easy to use for many types of people with various levels of mobility. We take accessibility seriously and offer a wide range of options to suit your facility’s needs.
  • Durable: Healthcare furniture is being heavily used on a daily basis by a wide variety of people, attributing to regular wear and tear that would demolish standard furniture in record time. For healthcare furniture, we offer brands that are known to have exceptional durability to ensure that your healthcare furniture lasts for years.
  • Antiseptic: For any healthcare facility, an antiseptic environment is of critical importance. Many people walk in and out of these facilities every day with various infections from bacteria and viruses that could be transmitted to other patients, including those with weakened immune systems. This is a recipe for disaster, so having antiseptic furniture that lacks nooks and crannies for viruses and bacteria to hide in is the best option.

Senior Living & Long-Term Care

  • Aesthetic: The main difference between healthcare furniture for hospitals and clinics and furniture for senior living and long-term care centers is the need for aesthetic. To some degree, even hospitals and clinics should have furniture that is visually appealing to help put patients at ease, but in senior living and long-term care centers, this is much more important. Patients at these facilities are living there full-time, so having a facility that feels less like a sterile hospital and more like a home is critical for raising morale and comfort.
  • Accessible: Patients living in senior living and long-term care centers are often disabled or lack a wide range of mobility, so it’s important to have furniture that is accessible to as many people as possible.
  • Durable: Similar to hospitals and healthcare clinics, the furniture in these facilities is often heavily used every day, so having durable furniture that will last a long time is important. Furniture that is prone to breaking presents a safety hazard in these facilities.
  • Antiseptic: For the same reasons it’s important in hospitals and clinics, an antiseptic environment is best in senior living and long-term care facilities.

Healthcare Equipment & Supplies

At Edwards & Hill, we don’t just offer quality healthcare furniture—we are also a trusted distributor of healthcare equipment and supplies. You don’t need to shop around for all of the things you require to get your healthcare facility up and running, you can do it all right here at Edwards & Hill.

Choose Edwards & Hill for Your Healthcare Furniture in Maryland Heights, MO

Are you ready to redesign your healthcare facility to maximize the comfort of staff and guests? Edwards & Hill can help you design and install the perfect designs for your business. Edwards & Hill is a leading office, education, medical, and hospitality furniture provider with high-quality design and installation services for any style or scale. We have our headquarters in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, and another convenient office location in St. Louis, Missouri. If you are ready to get your office design started, contact us online or give us a call at 301-317-4250. For the St. Louis office, please call 314-797-5077. For more furniture design tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, and YouTube.